Compacte, praktische wandelgids van de Westweg, die over 285 kilometer van Pforzheim naar Basel loop door het Zwarte Woud. Met accomodatie, praktische informatie, overzichtskaartjes (1:100.000), hoogtemeters etc.
Guidebook to the Westweg (Westway), a 285km walk across Germany's Black Forest from Pforzheim to Basel. This classic route, which includes Feldberg, Black Forest's highest peak, takes 13 to 14 days, each day stage ranging from 15 to 28km. Two variants are described, both well way-marked and suitable for those new to long distance walking.
This guidebook is all you need to discover The Westweg, a 285km walk along the length Germany's Black Forest from Pforzheim to Basel. This classic long-distance trail takes around two weeks to walk, in stages of 15-28km. The route is well way-marked and suitable for experienced hikers and those new to long distance walking, though some sections are steep. The Westweg incorporates many of the region's highlights, such the Schwarzwald National Park, the source of the Danube and Lake Titisee. At Titisee there is a choice to make: the western route taking in the Black Forest's highest peak Feldberg and the vineyards of the Markgräflerland, or the quieter eastern route via the Herzogenhorn peak and on to Basel, with all its cultural attractions and old-world charm.
With well-maintained and waymarked trails, an efficient public transport system and conveniently placed huts and farmhouse inns, the Black Forest is one of Germany's best-loved walking destinations. Soft-contoured, forest-clad hills, interspersed with pastures and picturesque villages combine on with far-ranging vistas right across the Alpine chain.
Detailed descriptions and 1:100,000 maps accompany each stage of the route and the book describes options for shortening stages using public transport. There is also information on when to go, where to stay and a German-English glossary - all of which will earn this useful guide a place in your rucksack.
Bekijk alle Europa
Guidebook to the Westweg (Westway), a 285km walk across Germany's Black Forest from Pforzheim to Basel. This classic route, which includes Feldberg, Black Forest's highest peak, takes 13 to 14 days, each day stage ranging from 15 to 28km. Two variants are described, both well way-marked and suitable for those new to long distance walking.
This guidebook is all you need to discover The Westweg, a 285km walk along the length Germany's Black Forest from Pforzheim to Basel. This classic long-distance trail takes around two weeks to walk, in stages of 15-28km. The route is well way-marked and suitable for experienced hikers and those new to long distance walking, though some sections are steep. The Westweg incorporates many of the region's highlights, such the Schwarzwald National Park, the source of the Danube and Lake Titisee. At Titisee there is a choice to make: the western route taking in the Black Forest's highest peak Feldberg and the vineyards of the Markgräflerland, or the quieter eastern route via the Herzogenhorn peak and on to Basel, with all its cultural attractions and old-world charm.
With well-maintained and waymarked trails, an efficient public transport system and conveniently placed huts and farmhouse inns, the Black Forest is one of Germany's best-loved walking destinations. Soft-contoured, forest-clad hills, interspersed with pastures and picturesque villages combine on with far-ranging vistas right across the Alpine chain.
Detailed descriptions and 1:100,000 maps accompany each stage of the route and the book describes options for shortening stages using public transport. There is also information on when to go, where to stay and a German-English glossary - all of which will earn this useful guide a place in your rucksack.
Bekijk alle Europa

De Engelse uitgever Cicerone Press, met als basis het Engelse Lake District, is sinds 1967 een specialist op het gebied van oudoorgidsen. Cicerone brengt talloze wandelgidsen voor zowel Groot-Brittanië, de Alpen, Himalaya als menig ander gebied, uit. Ook gidsen voor fietstochten, klim-, navigatie- en andere technieken behoren tot hun gamma. Cicerone heeft gidsen voor de Himalaya, alle National Trails van Groot-Brittannië, bijna 40 gidsen over Schotland en de meest uitgebreide reeks titels over de Alpen - in het Engels - beschikbaar. De Cicerone gidsen zijn geschreven voor en door outdoor mensen. De selectie bestaat uit zowel populaire als nieuwe, boeiende te ontdekken gebieden, zoals de Drakensbergen in Zuid-Afrika, de prachtige kust van Amalfi in Italië of de eilanden van de Schotse kust.

De Engelse uitgever Cicerone Press, met als basis het Engelse Lake District, is sinds 1967 een specialist op het gebied van oudoorgidsen. Cicerone brengt talloze wandelgidsen voor zowel Groot-Brittanië, de Alpen, Himalaya als menig ander gebied, uit. Ook gidsen voor fietstochten, klim-, navigatie- en andere technieken behoren tot hun gamma. Cicerone heeft gidsen voor de Himalaya, alle National Trails van Groot-Brittannië, bijna 40 gidsen over Schotland en de meest uitgebreide reeks titels over de Alpen - in het Engels - beschikbaar. De Cicerone gidsen zijn geschreven voor en door outdoor mensen. De selectie bestaat uit zowel populaire als nieuwe, boeiende te ontdekken gebieden, zoals de Drakensbergen in Zuid-Afrika, de prachtige kust van Amalfi in Italië of de eilanden van de Schotse kust.
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